Technology originally developed for soldiers.
During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the US advance on Baghdad was frequently halted because the troops were becoming overheated and fatigued, and they needed to time to recover. The delays jeopardized operations.

DARPA was tasked to develop a solution.
DARPA, the US military’s R&D organization, was tasked to develop a solution that would improve the performance and safety of US troops in combat situations. DARPA evaluated technology from the world’s best and brightest.
The clear winner was technology from Stanford University where biologists Craig Heller and Dennis Grahn discovered that controlling the body’s core temperature was the most effective way to maintain strength and endurance under extreme physical duress.
With DARPA funding, the Stanford team of Heller and Grahn worked for more than a decade to develop the technology into a product that could be easily used in the field. They tested it in a variety of settings, including athletic, occupational and medical environments.
The net: The Stanford team found that by precisely controlling core temperature, they were able to increase strength and endurance by 25-50% or more.
This technology can only be found in the CoolMitt® device.

Now used by elite athletes.
Based on the technology effects on human performance, Stanford football, softball, wrestling and fencing teams began successfully deploying the technology in prototype devices in training and at competitions.

Now Available to Everyone
CoolMitt vasocooling technology was developed for the military and adopted by professional athletes in over 60 sports. It is now available for anyone that plays hard, trains hard, or is exposed to hot environments. Whether you are cross-training, using a stationary bike or treadmill, engaged in interval training, doing high rep weight lifting, or competing in athletic events, you can benefit from the CoolMitt. Push harder, accelerate recovery, and ignite new levels of performance with CoolMitt.
CoolMitt is the exclusive licensee of the Stanford University® intellectual property developed by Dr. Heller and Dr. Grahn